BRENDA Introducing the young, attractive, forthright, free spirited, buxom, Brenda. Brought to the house on Alan’s idea that he could
Read MoreRUPERT RIGSBY “I’m 44 if I’m a day!” He’s gullible – contemplates oil in the Pennines!, Grimy – fumbling with
Read MoreMiss Ruth Jones “I am not a day over 30!” A perplexed, vivacious, sexually frustrated, middle aged spinster, “Tired of
Read MoreALAN MOORE “This detached, cynical expression pulls the birds.” The young, innocent, good natured, politically active, naive, skint, sex starved,
Read MorePHILIP SMITH “I am a God.” Miss Jones met Philip Smith at the local college and had an immediate attraction
Read MoreVIENNA Rigsby’s domestic cat. A black and white, ageing feline with the reflexes of a cat with rigormortis. He’s been
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